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Why select our straws?

Double T Ranch can provide you a head start on producing the largest typical whitetails in North America. Our straws vary from some of the most expensive to the most affordable, and all will produce the bucks you desire.  We will also help you determine what value is best for your herd. You don't always need THE most expensive straws to take your fawn crop to the elite level.


Most in this industry will not admit this, but you don't always need to most expensive straws to produce the best buck you can. Up to 90% of the market value is driven by promotion and advertising.  You can join those at the top of the industry using our proven methods and find the value needed to help your facility produce great whitetails.  We know the market.


We follow the industry trends, and we will show you how to get the most potential from your investment.

Lap AI


Double T Ranch has used laparoscopic artificial insemination (lap A.I.) to combine the best genetics  and perfect matches to produce some of the best whitetails in the industry. We understand the industry needs and demands, and now we have discovered the secrets behind combining genetics to guarantee success. Ask us what we think would be a perfect combination to your program.

Affordable breeding


Sometimes traditional breeding within your pens proves too expensive. The cost of a breeder buck that is needed to achieve your desired goals can be expensive at times, and A.I. can be a more affordable option. Double T Ranch can house your does for a limited time, provide a cover buck and use our team to perform the Lap A. I. on your does. We will minimize the risk, reduce the expense, and increase the success rate of your breeding program. Ask about our affordable breeding plans.

Selecting your Buck


Not every breeding program out there needs the same buck to achieve their goal. We utilize years of experience in the industry to determine the best buck for your does. Sometimes you will find that the most expensive bucks we provide are not the perfect fit for your does. We are only interested in helping our clients achieve success in producing exactly what they need.

Typical breeding


Sometimes you will see a buck and just know that these genetics are the only thing your program needs. We have bucks in our pens that will do precisely this. If you would like to place your does within one of our breeder pens. We always leave room for a few does to join our family and hopefully add to your programs genetics. Ask us how we can form a partnership to help you produce incredible whitetails.

Elite Genetics


For years the outdoor industry has been absolutely mesmerized by the North American typical whitetail buck, and today nothing has changed. However, we in the deer breeding industry have discovered that genetics do provide a ceiling for every buck. So all bucks are not equal given their environments. Double T Ranch uses a proven method for analyzing genetics to determine dominant genetic traits that will transition through the years. Ask us how we can help you reach that next level.

We Are Here For You


Double T Ranch would love to hear from you.


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